Tuesday, September 2, 2008

News for Tuesday, 9-2

Rain, tornado threat lingers as Gustav fades:

With Gustav, things have deffioniatly changed compared to what happened with Katrina. There has been a lower death toll because people listened to the Governor when he told everyone to evacuate. They have been telling everyone to wait until Thursday to return, but business are able to return Wednesday. Gustav has stall caused plenty of damage with thousands of homes and towns with out electricity. THe total death toll has only been to 4. President Bush has said that 34 of Lousiana's parishes will become disaster areas.
*april t.
3rd hour

Hundreds to be charged in court after RNC protests

Oil plunges more than $7:

Oil went down $7 a barrel and the hurricane season they say has just started.Oil production, natural gas production and refineries were suspended as Gustav approached the Gulf Region In addition, 23 refineries in the Gulf region had been shut down or were operating at reduced capacity by Tuesday, according to the report. In advance of Gustav's movement into the Gulf Coast region, 95.4% of natural gas facilities had been shut down.100% of crude oil production was shut down in the Gulf of Mexico. By Dajsa Deuel

Russia plays down EU threats over Georgia:
This article is more about the Gorgia conflict. The Russian Prime Minister says he doesnt understand why American ships are on Georgian shores.He also accuses the U.S. of pushing Poland, Baltic states to demand tougher sanctions. Russia doesnt like the idea that the humanitarian aid ships in Goregia are armed with the latest rocket systems. Russia still has not pulled out all troops from Gorgeia. It claims they are "Peace Keeping" troops. Austin C.H. 3rd hour.

CNN Poll of polls: Obama holds slim lead

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