Monday, August 25, 2008

News for Monday, August 25

Poll: Race for White House tied:

Democrats to kick off convention with 'One Nation' theme:
Democrats kick off convention in Colorado. Howard Dean, Michelle Obama, Nancy Polosi spoke at the convention. They talked about the dead heat of the election. Obama gives exception speech at mile high stadium.

Parties use convention to sell their presidential hopeful:
Conventions happen every four years. The canidates tell about there platforms and what they plan to do. The nominated canidate gives an exception speech on the last day. It used to be that we didn't know who the canidates would be until the convention. Speeches are given every night.

Tons of Info on the DNC:

Are you better off?

Talking about weak economy. Inflation is at a 17 year high. There are many housing foreclosures. Some americans not affected, others are in big trouble.

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